A Transformed Relationship


But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.
- Galatians 5:18

Here’s the situation in Galatia: followers of Jesus think they have two options … follow the law (obligations) or give in to the flesh (desires). Which is better?

Following the law honors the way of life these early Christians received from their families. It’s safe, even if not comfortable.

But giving in to the flesh feels authentic and honest. And it allows for a broader connection with the diverse collection of beliefs in the cities in which they lived.

Which is better: the law or the flesh? The law leads to lifeless lovelessness. The flesh leads to selfish chaos. There has to be another way.

Paul points the Christians in Galatia to a third way: being led by the Spirit. The Spirit satisfies our desires in a way the flesh never can. And the Spirit allows us to inhabit the law in a way that gives life.

Marriage is woven throughout with opportunities to turn away from the law and the flesh. We find the Spirit prompting us to offer more love and forgiveness than anyone would expect. We find the Spirit giving us stick-to-it-iveness to hang with a person even through the hardest of times. The Spirit offers us a new way to live in our marriages.

And this Spirit-filled life transforms all of our relationships. He can lead us into a beyond-the-expected amount of patience with toddlers and children. He can lead us into a shockwave-inducing act of forgiveness with a co-worker. He can lead us into a sacrificial amount of generosity for a friend.

Where do you find yourself being tricked into thinking that the law or the flesh are your only options? What would it look like for you to be led by the Spirit today?

1 Comment

"It's up to me to do this thing (--whatever it is...job, relationship, life...) right."

I'm gonna do today my way (Frank Sinatra humming in the background here)."

I love your use of the phrase "being tricked into thinking..." What it takes for me to avoid being tricked into going down one of those self-focused paths is to STOP, become aware of what I'm doing (helped immensely by the Holy Spirit with this) and listen for God's still small voice beckoning me on an Adventure with Him instead. What would it look like? Freedom.
Learning (present active participle) to do this!

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