At work behind the scenes

Now Joseph was the governor of the land, the person who sold grain to all its people. So when Joseph’s brothers arrived, they bowed down to him with their faces to the ground.
- Genesis 42:6
Here is the moment we’ve all been waiting for. At the beginning of the story, Joseph had a dream. And here it’s fulfilled … 20 years later.
This can’t have been what Joseph imagined when he was a young man. Nothing about his interpretation of the dreams of his youth included slavery, prison, or exile. He grew into adulthood in a foreign country, far from his family. He faced heart-breaking hardship and disappointment. But he made it.
Next week we’ll explore Joseph’s response to his brothers. It’s a story full of emotional turmoil and the temptation to vengeance.
But today we want to pause for a beat and consider what God has done. He’s been at work behind the scenes. The prisoner-slave now governs the land. The bullying brothers now bow down. God lifts up the lowly and levels the mighty.
This is the God we worship and serve. He doesn’t give a blind endorsement to power and strength. Might doesn’t make right in God’s economy. He isn’t blind to the gifts, strengths, and contributions that can come from those who have been pushed to the margins of society. He is merciful to the mighty and gracious to the weak.
This is a God who is worthy to be praised.
Take a few moments today to write a verse of praise to God. You could write a poem or a song or just a scrap of praise. Offer it up to God with gratitude for the mercy and grace that he’s shown to each of us.

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