For Seekers and Stumblers

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.
- Matthew 13:44-46

We said a few days ago that the kingdom of heaven is available to both seekers and stumblers. That concept comes out of a contrast exercise that looks at these two parables side-by-side.

In the one parable, the man finds the pearl while going about his pearl-buying business. He’s actively looking for pearls. Not just pearls, but “fine pearls.” He knows exactly what he’s looking for and he finds it. Huzzah!

The kingdom of heaven can be found by those who actively seek it.

In the other parable, the man discovers the treasure hidden in a field. The field is a field he doesn’t own. We don’t know why he’s traipsing around in someone else’s field. Perhaps he was gleaning in the field because he was poor and his crops failed him. Perhaps he was looking at the field as a potential investment. Perhaps he was taking a shortcut on his way to his grandmother’s house. Whatever the situation, he found the treasure when he wasn’t looking for it.

The kingdom of heaven can be found even when you aren’t looking for it.

God’s grace is on display in these parables. The kingdom of heaven is available to both seekers and stumblers. Some of us searched high and low looking for a place and a community where what God wants done is done. Others of us went looking for friends, free food, and a little spiritual icing on the cake we call life and stumbled into this great and wonderful kingdom that God is bringing to fruition in our midst. God graciously receives us all into his kingdom.

But the story doesn’t stop there. Both seekers and stumblers face a choice. When presented with the object of great value, will they sell everything to obtain it? Will we go all in to participate in the kingdom of heaven? Jesus invites us to fully commit to his kingdom.

What does it look like for you to fully commit to God’s kingdom today?

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