God is serious about our redemption

When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession
- from Ephesians 1:13-14
God gives us his Spirit as a promise. Can you see that in today’s passage?
The Holy Spirit guarantees our inheritance. He is the reason we have confidence that God’s good work in us won’t fail, flag, or falter before it reaches its completion. He gives us hope than none of our mistakes or misdeeds can thwart God’s good desire to do good in our lives and in this world.
In a way, the Spirit serves as a signet ring. In the ancient world (and the modern wedding industry), hot wax is poured over the enclosure of a letter, which is then mashed with a seal that identifies the sender of the letter. The unbroken seal serves as proof that the letter wasn’t tampered with and also tells all who see it to whom the letter belongs.
The civil authorities who orchestrated Jesus’ crucifixion sealed his tomb with a sign of Roman authority. They wanted to keep anyone from messing with the body of Jesus. But God broke that seal when Jesus rose from the dead to new life for us and for our salvation. Now he has placed his seal on us. Who can break his seal? Who would even dare try?
God has made an upfront investment in your redemption. He bought your life. The closing date may be way off in the future, but all you have to do is to take a glance at the earnest money that the Lord has put down and you’ll know he’s serious.
There’s nothing more significant God could give us to show us that he’s serious about our redemption; the Holy Spirit is the ultimate sign that God wants us. The Spirit is God’s very presence with us. He doesn’t just welcome us to ping him when we have a minute; he wants to spend time with us.
Take a minute to thank God today for securing your inheritance, your redemption. Tell him that you know you need him to keep it secure. Thank him for his presence in your life and ask him to help you see how he’s at work in and through you.

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