Jealousy and The Important Thing: Philippians 1:18

"The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice."

- from Philippinas 1:18

Paul rejoiced even though other people tried to cause trouble for him, even though they tried to replace him, even though they tried to bring him down. Why?

Paul had pre-decided what was going to be the "important thing" for him. What he cared about most wasn't living a comfortable life, wasn't security and wasn't his position. What he cared about most was that Christ was preached. And, if that happened, he rejoiced.

This is one of the great secrets in our battle with jealousy. If you find your jealousy meter ringing uncontrollably, you've discovered something you've pre-decided you needed in order to be joyful. You're not getting your "important thing," hence the jealousy.

As Alex said a few weeks ago, "The power to decide the disposition of your heart is too precious to give away foolishly." Don't let jealousy decide the disposition of your heart.

When you experience jealousy, ask youself "What is the thing my jealousy is trying to convince me is the important thing?" and "What is the actual important thing that I'll miss if I get distracted by jealousy?"

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