Your Great Work

Sanballat and Geshem sent to me, saying, “Come and let us meet together at Hakkephirim in the plain of Ono.” But they intended to do me harm. And I sent messengers to them, saying, “I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?”
- Nehemiah 6:2-3
Look at Nehemiah’s clarity. He wouldn’t stop his great work – even for a little while – to meet with Sanballat and Geshem. The greatness of the work gave Nehemiah a crystalline focus and helped him resist the temptation to distracting busyness.
Years ago, Andy Stanley preached a series of messages and wrote a book off of this passage. He challenged his hearers and readers to take seriously the work that God has given them to do. And we want to do likewise.
God has given you great work to do in this season of your life. Do you believe this?
Susan Henson, a member of Chatham Community Church, said “Yes” to God’s invitation years ago to join in God’s great work to provide hope for imprisoned moms and their kids. For years, she poured herself into this great work. She founded Pharaoh’s Daughter, rallied support, raised money, and prayed. In a few short weeks, Susan will welcome a baby into her life, a baby whose mother is incarcerated and needs help. Great work.
You’d better believe that over the years Susan has had to say “No” to other opportunities in order to pursue this great work. But it’s worth it.
What’s your great work? Search your heart and look for it. What keeps you up at night or makes you feel excited? What idea keeps coming up over and over and over again for you? What do you talk about when you’re relaxed and talking with a friend?
For some of us, the great work God’s given us in this season of our lives will be focused on our families: restoring your marriage, raising your kids, mentoring your grandkids. For others of us, our great work may be creative: a book to write, a house to build, a problem to solve. And still of others, our great work may be vocational: rebuilding a company or launching a new one, driving an innovation forward, changing the culture in your department.
Don’t give in to the temptation to compare your great work to others. Your great work is your great work. God’s given it to you. And that makes it great.

Take a moment right now and ask the Lord to help you identify your great work in this season of life. What’s your great work in this season?

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