Latest news for the week of

May 19

New to Chatham Community Church? Click here for more information. 

Bridge Day

Parents of rising 6th graders! We want to invite your 5th grader to a special Chatham Kids send-off event on Saturday, June 1, 2024. We call it Bridge Day! This day is designed to celebrate their time with Chatham Kids and equip them to engage with the Mosaic Youth group from the very start. The event will start at 9:00 am and last until 4:00 pm.

Please RSVP by May 25th by emailing Cynthia Dekaney. There is a cost of $10 to attend the event. 

Graduation Recognition

It's graduation season, and we can’t wait to celebrate our graduating seniors. If you or someone in your family is graduating from high school or college, we want to celebrate that with a prayer and a bible on June 9th at both campuses. Please let Ernie know by emailing him at

Senior Care Ministry Lunch

Join us for a conversation about the needs of seniors and their caregivers in our community. Chatham Community Church is considering a new Senior Care Ministry so we are seeking your input to make sure we have a full understanding of the needs and the current situation. This information will help us focus on the most urgent needs and put together a team to run this ministry.

If you are a senior, know of a senior in need, a caregiver, or someone with a heart for serving seniors RSVP for a lunch discussion on June 2 at 12pm in North Chatham. RSVP by May 26 for the North Chatham lunch. For questions or to RSVP, email

Harbor Women’s Bible Study 

The Harbor Women’s Bible study is done for the spring. Look for new meetings to begin on Wednesdays in mid-September. If you have any questions please email

Anchor Women’s Evening Bible Study 

Our women’s evening study will begin weekly meetings on Thursday, 9/7 at 7:00 at the leader's home. This fall they will be studying Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby. For more information email

Mosaic Student Ministry

***** Mosaic Student Ministry will not meet regularly during the summer. *****

They normally meet on Sunday nights from 5:30-7:00. All middle and high school students are welcome! We’ll start our service together, then we’ll break up into high school and middle school groups for a message and then into breakout groups for discussion. 

We will meet at our Pittsboro location this fall.

Contact Ernie Lane for more information. 

Join a Small Group

At CCC, we’re all about connecting people to God and to each other and one of the ways we do that is through small groups.

If you’re new to small groups, they’re groups of 6-16 people who meet weekly in homes all over Chatham County or over Zoom for community, connection, a discussion of the Scriptures, and prayer.   

For more information about some of the small groups that are looking to welcome new members this fall, click here. 

Get Help/Give Help

Since its inception a couple of years ago, the Disaster and Relief Response Team (DARRT) has mowed lawns, repaired gutters, repaired dryers, taken care of dogs, repaired front steps, and much more – often for the widows, seniors, or disabled in our community.

If you love that our church makes this kind of a difference in people’s lives, we’d love to have you join this team. Or if you have a need for DARRT assistance, we'd love to help you. For more information, email 

Stay Up to Date on CCC via Facebook and the Connect Devotional

To make sure you get the latest, be sure to check out our Facebook page or sign up for the Connect Devotional by contacting Jessica Waldstein

May Elder On-Call 

If you have a crisis or emergency and need help from the church for any reason, each month we will have an "elder on call" who will be glad to assist you. The elder on call will be listed in the bulletin each week and on our church website. To find it on the website go to the home page, look under "Ministries," and click on "Congregational Care." This month Joel Eisner will be the elder on call. You can contact him via phone : (919) 629-9928 or email: