Downstream blessing


Mordecai wrote them to observe the days as days of feasting and joy and giving presents of food to one another and gifts to the poor.
- from Esther 9:22

We love this line. The days of feasting and joy spill over into sharing food and giving gifts to the poor.

As we begin to draw our study of this great Esther story to a close, let’s remember that we are not the only beneficiaries of the “such a time as this” moments in our lives. When these key moments arise, they have tremendously positive downstream impact.

For almost 2500 years people have been giving gifts to the poor in memory and celebration of Esther’s “such a time as this” moment. The festival of Purim is practiced to this day by Jews all over the world.

We have no idea how far-reaching the consequences of our “such a time as this” moments might be. Chances are no one’s going to create holidays or festivals in our memory. But we shouldn’t be surprised when the poor and the marginalized receive blessings from our willingness to step into the moments God has for us.

As you think about where God’s calling you to step up and step into moments in your life, who do you dream will be blessed? What would it look like for you to dream big?

1 Comment

Just wanted to share that this study of Esther has been a blessing for me these last few weeks. I've shared it with some friends who needed the same kind of advice, they liked it too. How to respond when you feel the law and circumstances are much bigger than you. I thought you'd like to know that your devotions have an impact further than Chatham county. Keep up the work.

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